Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rolling Over

We are getting closer. This is as close as she is getting to rolling over on her own! Check it out!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

Mommy and Me on Mother's Day
I'm a Bill's Fan!!!

Madison's 4 Month B-Day
Mother's Day Picture with Daddy

Family Picture
Flying Baby (Watch out for the drool)

Ok we are getting a little more frequent, or at least trying to. These are some fun pictures of Andrea's and Madison's first Mother's Day Weekend!!! We had lots of fun staying out of the rainy cold weather. We went to church and dad got to spend it in the foyer because Madison didn't want to sleep or sit quietly. Then we went to Mcalister's Deli for lunch, (One of Andrea's Favorites). Came home took a long nap and hung out with some good friends in the evening!

First time we have done video. Hopefully it works. Madison's new thing is spitting bubbles at mom. This is a small portion of her bubble spitting!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

4 months now!

What Can I Lick Next?
Enjoying the Nice Weather
Little Confused?
Lots of Laughs
Reading Sports Illustrated with Dad on a Saturday Morning

Smiling at Mom
More Smiles
Tummy Time
Finally Nice Enough Weather to go Outside

Culvers in Wisconsin
Spring Break in SD
Picture with Grandpa and Grandma in SD
Visiting Great Grandma
Looking Pretty in my Dress from Aunt Amy

Easter at Great Grandma's Church

Easter Picture
Easter Photo Shoot
Hanging with the Cousins on Easter

So it's been a while! Many things have changed since we've last blogged. We traveled to Ohio for Maddie's first Easter. We had fun surprising Great Grandpa and Grandma at church. Great Grandma was busy showing Maddie off! We also had fun with cousins, uncle/aunt, and grandparents.

Madison took her first trip to Wisconsin and South Dakota. We drove out there for our spring break at the end of March. It was great to see Aunt Amy and Uncle Chris! We spent 3 days in Wisconsin and the rest of the time we spent in SD. It was great to introduce Madison to lots of friends there, and she also got to see Great Grandma Kingslien for the first time!

Andrea has started back to work, and Madison is adjusting to our wonderful babysitter. She has a four year old girl who is Madison's new friend and a seven year old son who wishes he could see Madison more, but school is more important! They have been an answer to prayer and we are very thankful for them!

Yesterday was Maddie's four month birthday. She is getting more fun each day. She is smiling constantly, laughing, licking everything, and she loves to scoot on her back. She is close to rolling over, and is finally loving her tummy time.

Hope you enjoy some of the pictures, we will try to keep up in the summer!